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Mosquito control at Batzner Pest Control in Wisconsin - Serving New Berlin, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Madison, Racine and surrounding areas


Actual Size:  ⅛” to ⅜”

Characteristics: Gray to black; some having white, green, or blue markings.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes

Habitat: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant, standing water sources such as ponds, rain gutters, storm drains, old tires, children’s wading pools, and birdbaths.


  • Female mosquitoes are attracted to body heat, carbon dioxide from breath, perspiration on our skin, and body odor
  • They bite humans, birds, deer, and other types of animals.
  • The mosquito life cycle takes up to two weeks when developing from egg to adult.


Mosquitoes in Wisconsin

With more than 200 species of mosquitoes worldwide, most regions in the country deal with these nuisance pests. They can survive in a wide range of environments from high deserts to below sea level or high up in the mountain ranges. The main concern with mosquitoes is that they can spread some of the world’s most dangerous diseases.

For the most part, mosquito bites will leave you with red, itchy bites and welts. However, certain species are responsible for the spread of malaria, West Nile, Zika, dengue, yellow fever, and more. Data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) has shown that mosquito bites cause the deaths of more than 1 million people every year, mainly from malaria.

Mosquito Habitat

Mosquitoes prefer hot, humid environments. Typically, infestations are in a location near a body of water such as lakes, ponds, swamps, and marshes. That said, they will infest any area that has a source of stagnant water. Residential areas in Wisconsin can be prone to mosquitoes, especially around homes in kiddie pools, metal buckets, flower pots, and any object that collects rainwater or excess water from irrigation systems. For this reason, it’s extremely important for homeowners to regularly check their property for areas that may become mosquito breeding grounds.

Mosquito Behaviors, Threats, & Dangers

A mosquito bite can range from mild to very dangerous. Here’s what to know about their bites:

  • Most mosquito species require a blood meal before they can reproduce a batch of eggs.
  • Many people and animals are bitten by mosquitoes with no side effects except the typical itchy welt.
  • People infected with mosquito-transmitted viruses show no symptoms or only mild, flu-like symptoms that may not result in a visit to the doctor.
  • Severe symptoms following infection occur in a small percentage of people. 

If you need help with a mosquito problem, it’s best to always enlist the help of your local mosquito exterminator.