Brown Recluse Spider in Wisconsin
The brown recluse spider, often called the ‘violin’ or ‘fiddleback’ spider for its distinctive back marking, is the most prevalent recluse spider in North America and is a common sight in Wisconsin. Despite their reputation, they are not as frequently encountered as many believe. Brown recluse spiders have a venomous bite, but not every bite results in significant tissue damage; some may cause minor swelling resembling a pimple.
Brown Recluse Spider Habitat
True to their moniker, brown recluse spiders favor solitude. They thrive in tight, concealed spaces like cracks and crevices, under rocks, or beneath dead tree bark. They show a preference for textured surfaces such as paper, wood, and cardboard over smooth ones like glass or metal. They like ample hiding spots, including underneath garbage bins, in wood piles, beneath tarps, or inside storage containers.
Brown Recluse Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
The venom of the brown recluse spider is known for its potential to cause necrotic lesions on the skin, although such incidents are uncommon. These spiders only bite in defense. They are often found hiding in personal belongings such as shoes, clothes on the floor, or garden gear stored away. While bites are infrequent, the consequences can be severe, necessitating prompt medical consultation. For issues concerning Brown Recluse Spiders, it is advisable to consult a professional spider exterminator.
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