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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Wisconsin

If you discover bed bugs in your property, you likely want to get rid of them as quickly and completely as possible. The best and easiest way to do this is to involve the help of a professional bed bug exterminator. 

Exterminators will typically use one of the following types of treatments:

  1. Heat treatment/Thermal remediation
  2. Steam treatment
  3. Insecticides
  4. As a last resort, fumigation
How to get rid of bed bugs | New Berlin WI | Batzner Pest Control

Most Effective Best Bed Bug Treatment

The most reliable and effective bed bug treatment has long been considered to be heat treatment, also known as thermal remediation. Heat treatments are chemical-free, low-risk, and non-toxic. It also minimizes disruption and eliminates the need to replace items. Additional benefits of this bed bug treatment include the following.

  • Heat treatment works to kill off bed bugs in furniture, mattresses, and more. furniture and mattresses can still be used after the heat treatment is done.
  • Heat above 120ºF is proven to kill all stages of the bed bug life cycle from eggs to adults.
  • The treatment, which lasts approximately up to three hours, will be completely effective and not warrant another treatment.

Do Insecticides Work To Kill Bed Bugs?

Conventional insecticides are used for many types of extermination. From liquids to dusts, insecticides allow for spot treatments of bed bugs. After focusing on hotspots, a number of areas can be treated, including baseboards, floor and wall junctions, behind electrical outlets and switches, cracks in the walls and floors, and more. The intent is to treat every possible hiding place to ensure bed bugs are 100% eliminated. Of course, this treatment is more invasive than heat treatment and may necessitate follow-up treatments.

Steam Treatment vs. Fumigation

Second only to heat treatment is stem treatment, which uses temperature as well to get rid of bed bugs. Steam remediation treatments work by delivering lethal temperatures into deep recesses and inaccessible areas where bed bugs may be hiding. This treatment is chemical-free.

Typically used as a last resort, fumigation involves tenting a property to get rid of pests. While this is highly effective, it’s also extremely disruptive as you will have to evacuate your home for several days. It’s typically a last-resort bed bug treatment due to the chemicals involved in fumigating a home.