Winter window in New Berlin and Oshkosh WI - Batzner Pest Control provides rodent control checklist to prevent infestations.

Pest problems are a fact of life throughout the year, even in the winter! While a lot of animals hibernate during Wisconsin winters, many pests remain active throughout the cold months. In fact, rodent infestations are at some of their highest numbers this time of year. This is because rats and mice will squeeze their way into your home to escape the freezing temperatures outside. The best way to prevent a rodent infestation is to safeguard your home, limiting their chances of getting indoors! Read on to learn Batzner’s top tips for rodent-proofing your home this winter.

Does Cold Weather Kill Mice and Rats?

Many people assume that during the winter, pest problems go away. What about rats and mice? These rodents are active throughout the colder months of the year and are more compelled than ever to invade homes to escape the harsh weather outside. Once inside, they will nest and spread. In addition to their destructive gnawing and tunneling, rat droppings are capable of spreading disease. Because rodent infestations are so common in the winter, it’s essential to protect your home from them with regular rodent control.

Rodent Control in the Winter

Rodent Control Checklist for your Oshkosh or New Berlin WI home this winter - Batzner Pest ControlMice are infamous for squeezing through tiny spaces—even holes the size of a dime. For this reason, it’s crucial to thoroughly inspect your home for openings that may welcome rodents indoors in the winter.

There are eight spots in particular around your property that are vulnerable to rodent intrusions. By routinely checking these areas and making repairs as necessary, you can effectively lessen the risk of rodents getting indoors.


These eight locations include:

  • Roof
  • Vents
  • Screens
  • Vegetation
  • Gutters
  • Outside
  • Garage
  • Foundation

Wisconsin Winter Rodent Control

If you discover areas of your home needing repair, or more specifically, areas showing definite rodent activity, the experts at Batzner Pest Control are here to help. We specialize in preventing pest problems before they begin, which is why we can help rodent-proof your home for the winter. To learn more about protecting your home from rats and mice, give our team a call today!

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