Batzner’s Pest Control is provided with no hidden pricing – and they will only knock on your door after you are their customer.

Most homeowners want two things out of their pest control provider – to get rid of pests while minimizing any negative effects on the environment. It might seem intuitive that an increase in one aspect results in a drop off of the other, but this is not necessarily the case. Batzner’s mastery of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system allows the company to provide the best results while also having one of the smallest environmental footprints in the industry. Other companies may say the same, but it is easy to see the gap between Batzner and the competition when you know what to look for.

GreenPro Certification – A True Measurement of Environmental Responsibility

Almost every pest control company claims to be environmentally friendly, whether it’s written in their company name or slogan or highlighted all over their website. With the words “environmentally friendly” being thrown around so loosely, it can be difficult to determine what they actually mean. Fortunately for consumers, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has a definitive explanation in the form of their GreenPro certification. Less than 1% of pest control companies in the United States have earned this prestigious qualification – and Batzner is one of them.

The GreenPro certification standards are developed, reviewed, and governed by an independent advisory committee comprised of environmental advocacy groups, state and federal government representatives, education experts, and pest professionals. The main focus of these standards is to minimize pesticide exposure to humans, non-target animals, and the environment. To achieve this, GreenPro certifications require the following:

  • Focusing on integrated pest management strategies such as habitat modification, exclusion, removal of food and water sources, sanitation, and making repairs.
  • Providing and documenting thorough pest inspection and monitoring services, as well as follow-ups to ensure effectiveness.
  • Regularly communicating with clients about pest infestations, conducive conditions, and ways to prevent pests.
  • Requiring GreenPro training for all company employees who sell or perform GreenPro service.

Furthermore, companies whose services include any of the following will not be certified as GreenPro:

  • Preventive pesticide applications that are based solely on the calendar, without linkage to the biology of the pest and/or regional data on pest pressure and patterns of infestation.
  • Routine, high-volume pesticide applications without justification.
  • Indoor pesticide applications without justification.
  • Rodenticides placed in a manner in which they are accessible to children and non-target animals.

Pursuing the goal of minimizing pesticide exposure to the environment and following the requirements listed above are logical standards for any pest control company that calls itself environmentally friendly. Why then, are so few companies GreenPro certified?

Most commonly, companies are unable to become GreenPro certified because of their reliance on regular high-volume pesticide applications. These applications include whole-yard coverage and excessive applications around low-benefit areas such as the perimeter of the yard. When asked the purpose of these high-volume treatment solutions, many companies will say that it provides more effective pest control. This, however, is as fraudulent as their claims to be environmentally friendly.

Truly Effective Pest Control – Batzner vs. the Competition

Ask any entomologist about the best practice for controlling pests and the answer will never be to cover your entire yard with pesticides. These “spray and pray” techniques are used by companies who are looking for the simplest strategy, not the most effective. Additionally, they often claim that their products are less harsh on the environment, when in reality they are either using a less potent pesticide or a watered down version of a high quality pesticide. This approach is preferable for the company because it is cheaper and easier to instruct an employee to simply spray a whole yard than it is to train a Service Specialist how to do what’s best for you, your family, and the environment. Such techniques can actually increase the likeliness of pesticide resistant pest populations. Put simply, a company promising to reduce your pests by drastically increasing pesticide use is not offering a treatment solution, they are contributing to a treatment problem.

Conversely, Batzner invests large amounts of time and resources to make sure its service team provides the most effective pest control treatment possible. Pesticides are used in combination with inspections, exclusion methods, baiting, and consultations with homeowners on cultural practices to make homes less prone to infestations in the first place. Instead of an over-reliance on pesticides, Batzner views them as a last resort; however, when pesticides are necessary, Batzner uses the highest-quality products in targeted areas for guaranteed results. Rather than covering your whole lawn with a “one size fits all” pesticide, Batzner identifies the pest(s) you are dealing with and uses a product made for that type of pest – a customized solution for your unique situation. Any entomologist will tell you this strategy is the best practice for controlling pests.

See the Difference for Yourself

Remember, when looking at different pest control providers, you will often encounter similar language describing the service. “Certified,” “environmentally responsible,” “best approach,” “pest expert” and others are all commonly used, so it is important to take the time to research what those words mean to each company. Find answers to questions like, “Who certified them?” “Environmentally responsible relative to what?” and “What is their approach, really?”

Choosing your pest control provider is a major choice for you and your home, and should not be made as a spur of the moment decision. If you take a moment to inform yourself of what is recommended by organizations like the NPMA and other leaders in the pest control industry, it will be obvious that Batzner Pest Control is the right choice – and you will slam the door in the face of the competition.

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