If you live in Wisconsin, you’re no stranger to brutal winters. With temperatures well below freezing for several months, you would think that pests and insects can’t survive the cold. Unfortunately, that’s not the case! Bed bugs are known to adapt to extremely unfavorable conditions and are very capable of infesting Wisconsin homes any time of the year. Keep reading to learn about bed bug behavior in the wintertime!
Do Bed Bugs Survive the Winter?
Bed bugs are known to be resilient pests and can survive extreme temperatures. When temperatures drop significantly, bed bugs may enter a state of diapause. In this state, adult bugs can survive without a meal for months.
Long story short, bed bugs are very capable of staying alive year-round. Especially inside heated Wisconsin homes in the winter, bed bugs are adept to infest homes at any time. For this reason, it’s important to learn how to prevent them all year long.
Do Extreme Temperatures Kill Bed Bugs?
Just like humans, bed bugs prefer warmth. Their ideal temperatures are around 70–80 degrees Fahrenheit, which makes you wonder how they are able to live through below freezing temperatures. Some things to know about bed bugs in the winter include:
- Although extreme temperatures can be used to control bed bugs, they have to be very extreme.
- If exposed to temps below 0 degrees Fahrenheit for four or more days, bed bugs will likely die.
- Inside warm heated homes, bed bugs are even more able to reproduce and spread quickly.
- Bed bugs are known to enter a state of diapause to wait out freezing temperatures in favor for the warmth of springtime.
Bed Bug Infestations in the Winter
Especially with how extreme Wisconsin winters can be, the last thing you expect to discover in the coldest months of the year is a pest infestation! Bed bugs do not have an off-season and are capable of infesting homes at any time of the year. If you think you’ve spotted the signs of bed bugs in your property, it’s time to call in the professionals at Batzner Pest Control.
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Can Bed Bugs Live in Cold Weather in Wisconsin?
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