In cases where birds are overtaking the outside of buildings by perching or nesting, bird deterrents may be the answer. There are several types of bird deterrents, including spikes, nets, and electrical tracks. When netting is not possible and spikes are ineffective, another option is Optical Gel™.

Skie Gierach, Operations Manager, describes Optical Gel working “by creating an illusion to birds that the area is on fire, which prevents them from entering or landing on that area.” The product is a non-toxic, multi-sensory deterrent gel that emits a UV light appearing as a flame to approaching birds. Optical Gel may be used for the following reasons:

  1. Tricky applications where few other options are applicable including window A/C units, roll up doors, signs, balconies, and loading docks
  2. Less cost compared to other methods
  3. Quick, easy installation
  4. Works on all bird species

Below are two scenarios in which Optical Gel was used to deter birds from entering specific areas around businesses.

Effect on Sparrows

In the case of an office building where sparrows were flying up under the front entrance awning, leaving nesting materials and droppings around the entrance, windows, and doors, Gierach chose to use Optical Gel. “Because sparrows are so small and can land in-between spikes, it does not deter them, and netting was not in this customer’s budget,” he explained. “Optical Gel is an ideal solution for small bird deterrence.” In the video below, you can see the sparrows unsuccessfully trying to perch under the awning as they had done before.

Barn Swallows Overtake Loading Dock

The second case involved barn swallows at a food plant. They were nesting in the upper part of an entrance for a loading dock. “Each time a truck would back in, the birds would fly down and be unintentionally forced inside,” described Gierach. “Since there was nothing to net off in this situation, netting was not a possible solution.” The barn swallows, like sparrows, are too small to be affected by spikes, so Optical Gel was chosen for this case as well. It’s been two years since the Optical Gel was installed, and the barn swallows have not come back.

1. Optical Gel is placed above and around the entrance of the loading dock doors.2. Optical Gel is placed in perching areas to prevent the birds from gathering above the loading dock.


In both scenarios, Optical Gel successfully deterred birds from continuing to nest and perch in the areas. If you encounter issues with birds at your business, contact the experts at Batzner Pest Control.

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