Walk MS is a charity walk series with the goal of connecting individuals and raising funds to change the world for those affected by Multiple Sclerosis. Batzner recently had the opportunity to contribute during their event held at Frame Park in Waukesha. As you may know, stinging insects are at their worst during the early fall, when their nests are fully matured and their natural food sources are declining. This results in a high number of foragers seeking out artificial food sources – like the sugary sports drinks and sweet snacks abundant at charity walks!

To make sure the nearly 100 participants were able to support the cause in comfort, Batzner was happy to provide stinging insect control along the route through the park. This, combined with the contributions of other groups and the energy and enthusiasm of participants, helped to make the day a great success. $41,690.52 was raised, which will be used to fund promising research to stop the disease and restore function that has been lost, with the ultimate goal of ending MS forever. It will also be used to support local programs to help people living with MS achieve the highest quality of life possible.

Walk MS’s 2016 season is over in Wisconsin, but those interested in donating or participating in next year’s events can visit their website for more information on how, why, and where to support ending MS for good!

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