How a Dehumidifier Can Prevent Silverfish, Centipedes, and Cockroaches

A silverfish in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

There are many reasons why a pest infestation might develop inside your home, but one of the main contributors to bug outbreaks is excess humidity. Some of the main culprits that hang around in humid environments are silverfish, millipedes, centipedes, and cockroaches. In extremely humid cases, mosquitoes and fleas could also start to breed in your bathroom, crawl spaces, or other places where standing water pools up. In addition to setting up a dehumidifier, having a pest control company come and treat your property is the best way to attack a humid pest breeding ground. Read on to learn more with the expert technicians at Batzner Pest Control!

How Does a Dehumidifier Help with Pests?

Humidity levels and excess moisture may increase the number of pests you see crawling around your house. This could come in the humid summers or the rainy winters. If you’re currently experiencing pest problems stemming from unknown causes, one thing you can consider is investing in a dehumidifier to keep the humidity level down in your house. Here are four things a dehumidifier will do for your home:

  1. Prevent mold growth inside your home
  2. Minimize condensation contributing to pest infestations
  3. Deter bugs that breed in standing water pools
  4. Alleviate allergies triggered by pests that moisture attracts

Professional Advice: Do Dehumidifiers Really Work?

Karl Rowell, Quality Assurance and Safety Manager, explains, “Moisture, in general, can be a very conducive environment for bugs. Running a dehumidifier reduces the favorable conditions in your home.” Placing a dehumidifier within your home can alleviate pest activity, especially in your basement, bathroom, and even crawl spaces. Dehumidifiers work to remove moisture from the air, creating a drier environment that is less conducive to pest survival. This will keep out pests like silverfish, roaches, and more that are attracted to moisture, and it will also prevent these pests’ predators from developing a presence in your home.

Moisture Pest Control in Wisconsin

If you’re dealing with pests and can’t figure out where they’re coming from, a likely cause of your outbreak is moisture buildup. If you can’t find your infestation’s source or your dehumidifier is failing to protect your home from pests, reach out to your local exterminators. At Batzner Pest Control, we train our technicians to conduct exhaustive inspections, checking for every possible contribution to your pest problem. For a free quote, reach out to our team today!

What Are Those Bugs in My Bathroom?

What silverfish look like in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

In a place that is supposed to be sparkling clean, the last thing you want to find is an outbreak of nasty pests. Water accumulates in our sinks, showers, and tubs, causing many different kinds of insects to take refuge in our bathrooms. The warm and humid environment created by our showers offers a welcoming environment for lots of pests in Wisconsin, not to mention a free source of water to drink. For more information on common bathroom pests, keep reading. We’ve asked our Batzner Pest Control technicians for some input!

Common Bathroom Pests

Lots of pests are known to infest bathrooms, but these are our top three to watch out for:

  1. Cockroaches: Any warm, wet, and humid environment is the ideal home for a cockroach. Bonus points if they can find a dark cabinet to hide in during the day.
  2. Silverfish: These insects are attracted to the same traits that cockroaches are. Since they have a lot of trouble climbing up smooth, vertical surfaces, silverfish will often be found by drains or along the shower or bathroom floor.
  3. Ants: Having too much excess moisture building up in your bathroom is a sure way to attract a trail of ants. Looking for drinking water, they will travel through our plumbing systems, underneath our doors, or through cracks in siding and baseboards.

Finding spiders, centipedes, or drain flies in your bathroom should come as no surprise, either. Many pests find uses for our bathrooms, whether that be food, water, shelter, or all three.

Preventative Measures Against Bathroom Pests

Having a clean and dry bathroom is the best deterrent for pest problems. When you clean your bathroom, look out for these issues that could be attracting pests:

  • Wipe down countertops to eliminate any filth and remove standing water
  • Check for leaks in your plumbing fixtures often
  • Ensure that your bathroom is well-ventilated and not accumulating too much humidity
  • Clean up spills of soap, body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, or other hygiene products

Whatever you can do to reduce excess moisture and grime in your bathroom will help you avoid pest problems going forward!

Need Pest Control for Your Bathroom in Wisconsin?

If you can’t use your bathroom without unwanted insects grossing you out, it’s time to talk to your local pest control experts. The pest specialists at Batzner Pest Control are able to locate difficult-to-spot vulnerabilities in your Wisconsin home to help you keep your bathroom clean, fresh, and free of pests. Contact us today for a free quote—we would love to help you breathe easy in your own bathroom again!

Take Action Against Cockroaches Early

Cockroach invades a home in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

We’re on the verge of spring, and it’s an exciting time for all of us that enjoy the sunshine and rising temperatures. While there is plenty to look forward to in the warmer months, one thing that none of us are excited for is the reemergence of cockroaches.

They could be hiding in the temperate nooks and crannies of your home right now, but soon enough, they’ll be ready to claim your whole space as their own. Roaches are not only gross and bothersome, they can actually be a health hazard, with the ability to spread various diseases. It’s important to take preventative measures to keep cockroaches out of your home before spring hits full swing.

Cockroach-Proofing Your Home

It’s a good idea to limit potential sources of shelter and food for roaches in your house before the season starts. Here are a few ways you can make your home less susceptible to a cockroach problem:

  • Survey the inside and outside of your home for cracks and holes. Any slight pathway into your home will be taken advantage of by these pests. Be thorough – inspect your cabinets, floorboards, attics, and any other place where you think you might find damage.
  • Eliminate open sources of water and food. Cockroaches will quickly detect food that has been left out or unsealed and make it their next meal. Keeping your kitchen clean and orderly will keep roaches at bay.
  • Check all of the seals on your doors and windows. Roaches will make use of any tight space they can to get into your home. Make sure there are no gaps between the jambs on your doors.

Prevention by Sanitation

Preparing for the season works great to keep roaches out of your home, but does little to get rid of any already inside. If you’ve encountered a roach or two inside your house during the winter, maintaining a sanitation routine ensures that they won’t be around for long:

  1. Make sure that all of your dishes are cleaned, your kitchen area is dry, and that any food left out is tightly sealed.
  2. Clean your stovetop and mop your floors frequently – roaches will find any grease and crumbs that you’ve passed over.
  3. To go the extra mile, take out your garbage every night. Trash cans and compost bins full of food waste will quickly become a hot spot for cockroaches looking to eat. 

Getting the Most out of Cockroach Control

Taking these steps into account should set you up for a relatively roach-free summer! If you run into a roach issue even after performing these steps, your home may have an unidentified water source or another sanitation issue that could be beyond your control. The cockroach extermination experts at Batzner Pest Control can help identify the source of your cockroach outbreak and eliminate them for good, allowing you to enjoy the warmer weather without any unexpected guests.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Batzner’s roach control services can help Wisconsin residents like you get rid of their pest problems, we encourage you to fill out our online form to get a free estimate today!

Allergy Awareness Month: Are Pests Triggering Your Allergies?

Springtime allergies may be triggered by pests in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

Spring in Wisconsin is looked forward to each year by residents. However, no one looks forward to springtime allergies every year! May is Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month, making it important to stay aware of what may be contributing to your allergy symptoms this time of year. Everyone knows that blooming trees and changing weather can bring on your allergies, but could they be triggered by something else, too? Believe it or not, pests are a major contributor to allergies and asthma. Certain household pests such as roaches and dust mites can be troublesome for people, especially children. At Batzner Pest Control, we are dedicated to keeping our customers protected from all dangers of pests–allergies included. Keep reading for our tips on preventing pest allergens in your property.

Pest Allergens in Wisconsin

Over the past few decades, research has proven that some common household pests may trigger springtime allergies in people. The main culprit of pest allergens? Cockroaches! Roach droppings, saliva, shed skins, and other parts contain allergen proteins that cause allergic reactions and trigger asthma symptoms. Children are especially vulnerable to roach-triggered asthma attacks, which is why it’s important to know what’s causing your allergies this time of year.

In addition to roaches, some species of stinging insects (yellow jackets, wasps, fire ants, and more) can cause reactions in people. Symptoms range from itching and hives to more serious conditions, all of which is typically different than your average springtime allergy symptoms. If you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction such as swelling, wheezing, dizziness, or trouble breathing, call or visit a medical professional ASAP.

6 Tips to Prevent Pest-Triggered Allergies

Thankfully, routine pest prevention techniques will go a long way to help prevent pest allergens in your home. No pests means no pest allergens. Some of the pest prevention tips to implement include:

  1. Seal cracks and holes in your property, including entry points for utilities and pipes, screen doors, and windows.
  2. Store food in sealed containers and clean kitchens on a daily basis.
  3. Dispose of garbage regularly and use a tight-fitting lid on the can.
  4. Keep your basements and crawl spaces well-ventilated and free of moisture problems.
  5. Wash blankets, rugs, and bedding in hot water often or get them dry-cleaned.
  6. Vacuum and dust your property on a regular basis this season and all year long.

Prevent Pests to Prevent Allergies!

Pests may cause allergies, but they can also bring many other types of dangers into your home. If you have implemented the above pest prevention tips and are still dealing with allergy-causing pests, call the team at Batzner today. We are committed to keeping you and your family safe from the dangers of pests this spring and all year long!

10 Things to Know About the German Cockroach

German cockroaches are one of the most common roach infestations in New Berlin WI and Oshkosh WI - Batzner Pest Control shares German cockroach facts.

German cockroaches are the most dreaded type of roach. Unfortunately, they’re the most common in households and businesses alike. German cockroach infestations spread quickly, making them difficult to control. They also have been tied back to outbreaks of illnesses and allergic reactions in many people, making an infestation dangerous.

The experts at Batzner Pest Control share the top ten German cockroach facts to know in order to prevent them in your New Berlin or Oshkosh WI area home.

German Cockroach Facts

Because German roaches are such a threat, it’s important to know how to identify them through their appearance and behaviors. The top German roach facts to know include:

  1. German cockroaches can carry salmonella and other diseases.
  2. German cockroach skins have been tied back to causing severe asthmatic reactions in some people.
  3. A good way to identify them is the pronotum (protective plate behind the head), which has two longitudinal dark stripes.
  4. The ootheca (egg case) of the German cockroach contains between 35–40 eggs, which take one month to hatch.
  5. German cockroaches have an extraordinary rate of reproduction. One female cockroach and her offspring can theoretically produce hundreds of thousands of offspring a year!
  6. A German cockroach takes from six weeks to six months to reach maturity.
  7. German cockroaches prefer areas of high temperatures and high humidity.
  8. They are able to climb on smooth surfaces because they have a sticky pad called an arolium on their feet.
  9. German cockroaches prefer to spend their lives hidden and protected. Seeing a cockroach means more are hidden inside walls, behind cabinets, inside appliances, and more.
  10. German cockroaches regularly spread to new areas in a serious infestation. 

How to Prevent German Cockroaches

As with all pests, the best way to protect yourself from a German cockroach infestation is to be proactive about preventing them! Always keep all food in sealed containers, secure your garbage securely, and store pet food in sealed containers with tight-fitting lids. Properly clean your space on a regular basis, eliminate clutter, and be wary of carrying in old items before inspecting them for German roaches. Check on areas in your property that are dark and rarely disturbed to ensure no pests are hiding away.

Controlling German Cockroach Infestations

As soon as you notice the start of a roach infestation, it’s best to call a professional. These roaches spread easily and quickly into other rooms in your property, making it important to receive a thorough inspection. At Batzner Pest Control, we will work to eliminate any active German cockroach infestations and prevent future ones from forming.

Winter Pests – Do They Hibernate or Die Off?

Preventing pests in Wisconsin homes during the winter - Batzner Pest Control

Everyone knows that pests are in their prime during the spring and summer, but what happens to pests in the winter? While some insects die off before Wisconsin winters hit, there are a number of pests that will stick around and may make their way into your home to escape the cold. Some common winter pests problems come from rodents, cockroaches, spiders, bed bugs, and raccoons. Keep reading for top tips on preventing winter pests from the experts at Batzner Pest Control.

Pest Infestations in the Winter

A lot of pests will overwinter—or hibernate—during the colder months until the weather warms up again. These overwintering pests include ants, mosquitoes, stink bugs, asian lady beetles, and boxelder bugs. For the most part, these pests won’t be seen until the springtime. However, there are a number of other types of pests that may invade your WI home to escape the cold, including:

  • Rodents: The house mouse and Norway rat will squeeze their way inside in the winter.
  • Spiders: House spiders will hide indoors in dark, secluded corners.
  • Cockroaches: German cockroaches hitchhike indoors in grocery bags and boxes.
  • Bed bugs: Known to withstand extreme temperatures, infestations are still a risk in the winter.

How to Prevent Seasonal Pests

Just as you would to prevent pests throughout the entire year, winter pest control is dependent on preventative measures. Some of the things you can do to prevent winter pests include:

  1. Seal cracks and crevices outside your home to keep rodents and other pests from making their way inside.
  2. Store firewood away from the home and eliminate piles of clutter in your yard to discourage nesting.
  3. Eliminate sources of excess moisture by promptly fixing leaking pipes and clogged drains.
  4. Place screens over vents and chimneys to eliminate entry points inside the property.
  5. Keep a tidy environment indoors by cleaning up spills, disposing of garbage regularly, and avoiding clutter.

Winter Pest Control

Many people make the mistake of thinking they’re safe from pests in the winter. But just like you, pests seek out food sources and warmth in the winter. Rodents, cockroaches, and spiders are common pest infestations in the winter, which is why it’s so important to implement winter pest control into your routine. For help protecting your Wisconsin property this winter, call the pest exterminators at Batzner today!

Pests That Trigger Allergies and Asthma: Stinging Insects, Cockroaches, Dust Mites

It may be prime time for seasonal allergy sufferers in Wisconsin, but there may be another cause of asthma and other allergic reactions lurking in or around your home: pests!

Stinging Insects

Those who suffer from stinging insect allergies may show signs from itching and hives, to more serious symptoms such as shortness of breath and anaphylaxis, which is a potentially fatal reaction. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen. In stinging insect allergies, the allergen is venom from a sting. Most serious reactions are caused by four types of insects:

  • Yellow jackets are black with yellow markings. Their nests are usually located underground, but sometimes found in the walls of buildings, cracks in masonry or in woodpiles.
  • Honey bees have round, fuzzy bodies with dark brown and yellow markings. They can be found in honeycombs in trees, old tires or other partially protected sites.
  • Paper wasps are slender with black, brown, red and yellow markings. They live in a circular comb under eaves, behind shutters or in shrubs and woodpiles.
  • Hornets are black or brown with white, orange or yellow markings. Their nests are gray or brown and are usually found in trees.


What you may be surprised to know is that cockroaches are actually one of the leading causes of asthma symptoms in children. This may result in difficulty sleeping and wheezing, itchy skin, throat and nose, as well as inflamed eyes and ears. While adults may also have these symptoms, children are particularly sensitive to the cockroach droppings, saliva, shed skins and remains that contain potent allergen proteins. Every aspect of a cockroach will become a component of your home’s dust, potentially leading to an asthma attack. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation has indicated at least 78% of urban homes contain cockroaches, while the suburbs also see their fair share.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are also extremely common in the home, and symptoms include congestion, cough, facial pressure, itchy and watery eyes, and postnasal drip. Dust mites, close relatives of ticks and spiders, are too small to see without a microscope. Dust mites eat skin cells shed by people, and they thrive in warm, humid environments. In most homes, such items as bedding, upholstered furniture, pillows, curtains and carpeting provide an ideal environment for dust mites. The waste products of dust mites, not the mites themselves, are what cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Throughout its short life span, a single dust mite may produce as much as 200 times its body weight in waste products. Dust mite waste contains a protein that is an allergen. An allergen is a substance that provokes an allergic reaction. By taking steps to reduce the number of dust mites in your home, you may get control of dust mite allergy.

How Can the Pests Be Managed?

Batzner Pest Control and the National Pest Management Association recommend the following tips for safeguarding homes against pests that cause asthma and allergies:

  • Keep food sealed and stored properly, and clean kitchen floors and counters daily.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly and store in sealed containers.
  • Seal cracks and holes in homes, including entry points for utilities and pipes and in screen doors and windows.
  • Keep basements and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
  • Consider a dust mite allergy cover for your bed.
  • Hard surface flooring may also be helpful to lessen the allergic effects of dust mites.
  • Vacuum at least once a week using a vacuum with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate) filter.
  • If allergic to stinging insects, learn how to use an epinephrine kit and carry it with you at all times.
  • Should you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as tongue and throat swelling, wheezing, dizziness, or shortness of breath, call 911.

If you suspect a cockroach infestation or notice a hive or nest on your property, contact Batzner Pest Control to identify and safely treat your home.

Experts Warn Cockroaches Pose Serious Health Concerns

A pest that causes one of the strongest reactions when discovered in a home, is more than just an unwelcome house guest. The cockroach poses severe health risks once indoors.

Many people consider cockroaches as merely a household nuisance, but this pest is a hidden danger in homes. They can also spread food-borne disease like Salmonella by picking up germs on the spines of their legs. Their waste and body parts can aggravate respiratory systems by causing significant allergy problems in some people.

Cockroaches are known to spread 33 different kinds of bacteria, six parasitic worms and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. The saliva, droppings and decomposing bodies of cockroaches contain allergen proteins known to trigger allergies and increase the severity of asthma symptoms, especially in children.

We encourage homeowners to take preventative measures to protect your families and properties from the health threats associated with cockroaches. Cockroaches prefer warm, moist places with available food sources, so eliminating those attractive environments can help prevent cockroach infestations.

We recommend the following steps homeowners can take to avoid cockroach infestations:

  • Vacuum frequently and remove garbage from around the home on a routine basis.
  • Do not allow dirty dishes to accumulate in the sink and remain there overnight.
  • Keep food in the refrigerator or in containers with tight-fitting lids to prevent contamination.
  • Periodically check and clean the evaporation pan under the refrigerator or freezer.
  • If you suspect you have an infestation, contact a licensed pest professional to identify the species and recommend a course of treatment.
  • Seal cracks around the outside of the home to prevent pest entryways
  • Properly ventilate basements and crawl spaces to eliminate harborage points.

As always, give us a call if you are having a pest problem and we will be happy to help.

Cockroach Allergen Causes Asthma in Children

This pest poses severe health risks once indoors, especially as an asthma trigger in children.

Cockroach allergens come from several sources such as fecal material, saliva, secretions, and dead bodies and cast skins, and are known to trigger allergies and increase the severity of asthma symptoms, especially in children.

The cockroach allergen is the primary contributor to childhood asthma in inner-city home environments. Studies have shown that the cockroach allergen worsens asthma symptoms in inner-city children more so than that of the dust mite or pet allergens. Children who tested positive for cockroach allergen experienced a significant increase in the number of days with a cough, wheezing and chest tightness, number of missed school days and more.

Cockroaches are attracted to water and food sources. They can come into a building on food, packages, boxes, and used furniture and appliances and migrate from adjoining apartments or buildings.

It is important for people to take preventative measures to protect their families and properties from the health threats associated with cockroaches. Cockroaches thrive in conditions of poor sanitation and areas where there is a large amount of food available. Following certain rules and eliminating those attractive environments can help prevent cockroach infestations.

Here are 4 helpful tips to make other control tactics more effective:

  1. Place all food, including pet food, in tightly sealed containers. Make sure you remove trash on a regular basis.
  2. Clean up areas where food has spilled. This includes under appliances and behind cabinets.
  3. Repair leaking pipes and faucets and store any wet cleaning supplies in a dry place. Cockroaches need a source of water in order to survive.
  4. Eliminate hiding places. Seal and caulk any cracks or crevices that cockroaches might hide in. Cockroaches only need 1/16th of an inch sized opening to hide. Removing clutter like boxes and paper will eliminate shelter materials.

Cockroaches are more difficult to control in apartment buildings. Some sprays simply repel the cockroaches and drive them into untreated areas. All units may need to be treated to prevent reinfestation. Tenants should keep trash rooms clean, and allow free access to pest control professionals.

As always, if you are experiencing a pest problem, we are happy to help online, or you can call us at 866-591-3519 .

Signs of Pest Infestations

Inspecting homes for pest infestations before buying - Expert extermination, pest control and removal service by Batzner Pest Control, serving Southeast Wisconsin

House hunting is an exciting yet nerve-wracking endeavor. Among the numerous concerns like a leaky roof or faulty electricals, pest infestations might take time to come to mind. Yet, overlooking the signs of an infestation can lead to significant issues. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help identify potential pest problems when considering a new home.

What’s the Difference Between a Pest Infestation and a Couple of Bugs?

While spotting the occasional bug or pest is common, a full-blown infestation involves a larger, persistent presence of unwanted critters. It’s about the frequency, the extent of invasion, and the potential damage or health risks they pose. Here are the top ten signs that you’re dealing with an infestation:

  1. Unusual Indoor Activity: Keep an eye out for erratic movements of insects, especially around food sources or warm, moist areas.
  2. Traces of Excrement: Insect or rodent droppings, especially near entry points or common hiding spots like cabinets, often signal an infestation.
  3. Rodent Nests: Discovering nests made of shredded materials or finding gnaw marks on household items indicates a rodent problem.
  4. Foul Odors: A musty or foul smell, particularly in hidden areas, could indicate that pests like bed bugs or rodents are nearby.
  5. Property Damage: Many pest species cause damage to structures or personal belongings. Chewed wires, torn fabrics, or damaged furniture might suggest rodents’ activity.
  6. Unexplained Noises: While you may not notice the sounds of pests while inspecting a home, it’s worth listening for. Scratching or scurrying in walls or ceilings often indicates pests.
  7. Grease Marks and Rub Marks: Rodents and other pest species tend to leave grease or rub marks along their regular pathways.
  8. Visible Pests: Spotting mice, rats, bed bugs, or other pests during daylight hours could signify a significant infestation. 
  9. Nesting Materials: Discovering shredded paper, fabric, or insulation in unusual places could mean that the property has a large population of rodents or other pests nearby.
  10. Gnaw Marks: Many pest species, including rats and mice, chew on items while nesting or burrowing. Look for chew marks on furniture, wires, or stored items.

Signs of an Outdoor Infestation

It’s normal to come across bugs in your yard or garden. But, there are some circumstances where outdoor pest activity is abnormal and could pose a greater risk to your home. Here’s what to look for when inspecting your landscape:

  • Nearby Breeding Grounds: Assess neighboring areas for unkept spaces or stagnant water sources, and potential breeding grounds for pests like mosquitoes or rodents.
  • Damaged Plants and Lawn Patches: Inspect plants for signs of insect trails or gnawing. Uneven grass lengths or circular brown patches can hint at lawn pest infestations or mole activity.
  • Mole Holes and Ant Hills: Mole activity might present as raised ridges across the lawn accompanied by dirt piles resembling mini volcanoes. Look for ant hills along fence lines or in pavement cracks.

What to Do If Your Home Has Pests

When inspecting your property for these signs, focus not only on the obvious but also on less frequented areas like ceiling corners, under furniture, and within cupboards or pantries. Professional pest control technicians at Batzner Pest Control can thoroughly inspect and treat your home to prevent or address any pest problems.