You know that moment when you’re in the shower, mid-shampoo and you look up to see that creepy crawly just hanging out on the wall of your shower. A quick debate runs through your head: Should I move? Yes, move. Wait, no. Hold still, maybe it won’t notice me. I’ll quickly get the shampoo out of my hair and everything will be fine. After “calmly” talking yourself through that situation, you start to wonder why insects seem so determined to ruin your shower. The simple truth is that living in your bathroom makes for a pretty easy life for spiders and other bugs.
What Makes the Bathroom so Enticing for Bugs?
Bathrooms are magnets that attract a variety of creepy, crawly pests because they provide an ideal environment for a couple of reasons.
- Hair, mildew, mold provide unlimited food sources, yummy!
- Soaps made from fats are another delicious food source.
- Pipes provide excellent travel paths.
- Plumbing leaks and dampness provide the moisture needed to survive.
- Cracks and crevices offer hiding places and places to establish nests.
- The high humidity and moisture environment is desirable.
Which Bugs are Most Common?
According to Operations Managers at Batzner Pest Control, these are the most common bugs they come across in the bathroom.
- Centipedes: The main reason centipedes are present in bathrooms is for the availability of other insects to feed on.
- Earwigs: Drawn to bathrooms because they prefer damp, dark environments.
- Springtails: They thrive in high humidity and will feed on whatever is available.
- Silverfish: They prefer dampness, but their nocturnal habits keep their pest profile low.
Why is it so Hard to Control Bathroom Pests?
Eliminating bugs in the bathroom can be a challenging task. And darn it, if there’s one thing you deserve at the end of the day, it’s a peaceful shower without being traumatized by the possibility of unwanted company. Do-it-yourself treatments only provide temporary solutions to the problem, and they don’t tackle pests at the source. The best way to remove insects from your bathroom starts with a call to Batzner Pest Control at 866-591-3519 or by contacting us online. We’ll identify and eliminate the problem, so you can get back to enjoying your personal space without unwanted company.