Rodents: The Worst Backseat Drivers

deer mouse nest in a car engine

It gets cold here in Wisconsin during the winter. We may be able to bundle up with scarves and heavy jackets, but the animals like rats and mice cannot. Because of that, they’re left to do whatever they can to stay warm. So, by leaving your car out on the street or in the vicinity of unsecured food, it turns into the perfect cozy spot for them to nest and feed. And you don’t want to play chauffeur for a colony of rodents. Not only would doing so be unpleasant, but it also puts you and your passengers in danger. Batzner Pest Control knows a lot about rodents, and we’ve been handling rat and mouse infestations since 1946. With our help, we can keep them out of your house and away from your vehicle. But before you call for our services, you should know a few things. Let’s talk about the warning signs of rats in your car, the risks that come from their presence, and what we can do to make your life easier and more comfortable.

Signs of Rodents in the Car

At their core, rodents are concerned with three things: eating, nesting, and defecating.

 Rats and mice both have incisors that are constantly growing from birth to death. So, to prevent discomfort, they have to constantly be chewing on pretty much anything to grind them down. This could result in them eating through the crucial wires and hoses in the structure of your car. It may also be beneficial to check your insulation and upholstery, as these are two materials most commonly torn into for nests. Rodent nests in the car are usually located around heat sources, such as the heat ducts, engine compartments, or under the center console. And if you find any droppings (ranging from the size of a speck of coffee to a grain of rice), this is also a major indicator of rats or mice in your car. Regardless of what it is, if you suspect rodents in your vehicle, don’t wait to act. With the amount of time we spend in our cars steadily increasing, it’s more important than ever to make sure the vehicle we operate is running safely.

Risks of Rodents

Do you have to treat rodents in the car? With so much going on, it’s all too easy to turn a blind eye to these furry hitchhikers. This plan of action may only compound your problems. If there are rats or mice in the structure of your car, it’s only a matter of time before they bite through something valuable or mechanically important. Maybe you see that the plastic paneling on the dashboard is chewed up. That might not be too big of a deal in your eyes. But for every visible sign of damage, there could be something else you might be missing. And the last thing you want is to realize your power steering line has been severed when you need it most.

We all know that mouse poop is just gross. What you might not know is that it’s also a carrier of potentially fatal illnesses like hantavirus and salmonellosis. So if you leave them in your car, you’re circulating pathogen particles in the air. A professional can safely sanitize your car. The right team will know how to remove existing rodents and deter more from taking their place. And if you’re looking for the best and most comprehensive rodent pest control in Wisconsin, Batzner Pest Control is here.

Batzner for Rodent Pest Control

If rats or mice get in your car, you run the risk of them migrating into your house. If that happens, the Batzner team is well-equipped. We can implement exclusionary efforts to make it so your home is far less appealing to rats and mice. We know how stressful it can be to deal with rodents on your own – so you shouldn’t have to. Instead, trust the team with more than 75 years of experience eliminating rodents in Wisconsin. With our help, you can enjoy the thrills and convenience of the open road in your car without any rodent passengers. Want to know more? Contact us today to get started!

Look Out For Rodents in Wisconsin this Winter

Mouse in Wisconsin home in the Winter - Batzner Pest Control

Wisconsin’s winters render it nearly impossible for many types of pests to live outdoors as they normally do. While many pests disappear this time of year, there is one in particular that can actually increase in activity: rodents! In partnership with PestWorld, the NPMA recently released their 2021 Fall & Winter Bug Barometer® predicting a significant increase in rodent activity this time of year due to the cold temperatures and below-average precipitation.

With our coldest months still ahead of us, now is the time to learn everything you can about winter pest pressures and what you can do to prevent an increased risk of a rodent infestation. The experts at Batzner Pest Control are here to help—read on to learn more!

Wisconsin Winter Pest Problems

Although many types of pests go away in the fall and winter in our region, there are a few that stick around. In fact, the NPMA reported an increase in prolonged stinging insect activity in our region due to the warm summer. However, with a bitterly cold winter predicted, the most concerning pest prediction is the expected increase in rodent activity. More than any other pest, rats and mice are known for heading indoors this time of year to wait out the cold months ahead. No one wants to share their home with rats and mice over the holiday season, making it important to implement winter pest control before they get indoors.

NPMA Bug Barometer 2021

Where Do Rats Live Inside in the Winter?

To get inside, rats and mice can squeeze their bodies through the tiniest of cracks and crevices. After they’ve made their way inside, rodents can cause a lot of damage. Rats and mice use all types of materials to build nests, chew on everything nonstop (electrical wires included), and can create a health hazard with their droppings. Rodents will choose to live in the following areas of your home during the winter:

  • Rats: Norway rats are known to burrow beneath the very foundation of your home, and are thus found in basements, crawl spaces, and more. Roof rats, however, prefer to live in higher areas of a property, including inside of wall voids or inside attics and chimneys.
  • Mice: House & deer mice alike will seek out dark, undisturbed places in the home to nest. With their small size, they can nest in rooms, inside of furniture, and even behind warm appliances in your kitchen or laundry room.

Winter Rodent Exclusion Services

Especially with NPMA’s prediction of increased rodent activity this year, now is the time to implement rodent exclusion services to keep rats and mice outside. The rodent exterminators at Batzner Pest Control will work with you to prevent rodent infestations this winter and year-round. Contact us today to get started!

How to Rodent-Proof Your Home

Mice living in someone's home in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

Wild animals in Wisconsin can sense when summer comes to an end. To prepare for the harsh, cold winter ahead, all kinds of wildlife look for reliable winter-long shelters. Unfortunately for us, this means that rodent problems are inevitable. Because mice and rats can be so sneaky and adaptable, it can be hard to tell if you’re in the middle of an infestation, let alone where they are nesting. To learn more about rodent infestations and how you can prevent them, read on for the expert advice of our rodent exterminators at Batzner Pest Control!

Why Do Rodent Infestations Happen in Fall?

Just like everyone else in Wisconsin, rodents have to take precautions in the warmer parts of the year to prepare for the freezing winter to come. It’s usually quick work for rodents to find everything they need in our homes. These are the three things they need to survive:

  1. Warmth: Mice and rats do not hibernate, so they need to find a reliable source of warmth to help them through the winter.
  2. Shelter: Some rodents, especially mice, are essential to their ecosystems as prey. They need a good hiding place for the winter and can often find it in our walls.
  3. Food: Although rodents can go for longer than you would expect without food, they are always on the hunt for a meal, preferably one loaded with carbohydrates.

How to Keep Rodents Out

Rodents can be one of the most difficult pests to control by yourself, but their inconspicuousness makes them much more difficult to remove from your home than to keep out in the first place. Here are some prevention strategies you can take at home to avoid a mice or rat infestation this fall:

  • Block off any easy access points—this could mean fixing screens on windows and vents, applying weather stripping on doors, and filling cracks in your plumbing fixtures and roofing.
  • Clean dishes and spills right away and store your food properly, sealed in airtight containers.
  • Keep your grass cut short, clear out your yard waste often, and refrain from using mulch near the foundation of your home.

Get Ahead of Rodent Control in Wisconsin

There’s no better time than the fall for rats, mice, and more to figure out where they will be staying through the winter. This also means that there’s no better time for us to start working on preventing infestations. If you need help making your home completely rodent-proof this fall, reach out to your local rodent control experts. Our technicians at Batzner Pest Control have been helping Wisconsin homeowners protect their properties since 1946. Contact us today for a free quote!

5 Reasons Why You Need Winter Pest Control [2021 Update]

Spiders are common winter pests in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

It’s a common misconception that with the cold weather rolling in, pests will pack up and leave until next year. The truth is in the colder months, crawling insects and other pests that don’t go dormant in the winter can make their way into our homes and draw in mice and other rodents, looking for warmth. Additionally, winter in Wisconsin brings its own set of insects and other pests to stay on the lookout for. The team at Batzner Pest Control is here to share all you need to know about winter pest control.

What Pests Are Common in the Winter?

Pests are common in Wisconsin year-round. In the winter, home and business owners must frequently deal with the following pests:

  1. Mice and rats. Mice and rats require only a tiny opening or crack to gain entry into your home. They can enter through your attic and gnaw on the wires, wood beams, electrical wires and insulation.
  2. Wood destroying insects. Carpenter ants and termites destroy the home from the inside out, so you really never see the damage until it is too late. If you find carpenter ants indoors during the winter, it is an indication that they are nesting inside walls, floors, or decaying wood.
  3. Sealing your home. The early winter is the best time for Batzner’s pest control team to seal up all openings before mice seek shelter in your home or business. They will check the areas where utilities and pipes enter the home. A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a dime.
  4. Dormant insects. Many insects will hide in the attic or basement in late fall and early winter to escape the frigid winter temperatures. Spiders, cluster flies, Asian lady bugs, and boxelder bugs will remain dormant until spring. Then as the weather warms, they can easily find their way into your living spaces.
  5. Spider webs and nests. Removing webs, nests and egg cases may help prevent pests from reemerging in your home when the weather becomes warmer. Some creatures are hardwired to return to certain places, but if you get rid of all the reasons for them to return, you increase the probability that you’ll finally be saying a permanent “goodbye” to them.

How to Prevent Winter Pests in Wisconsin

Before the wintertime, it’s important to learn how to guard your home against pest problems. Some of the best winter-proofing tips for homeowners include the following.

  • Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around the basement foundation and windows.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home. Mice and ants can make their nests in woodpiles and easily gain access to your home if the pile is nearby.
  • Rodents can hide in clutter, so keep storage areas well organized, and store boxes off of the floor.
  • Eliminate all moisture sites, including leaking pipes and clogged drains. Extra attention should be paid to kitchens and bathrooms as these areas are particularly vulnerable to cockroach infestations.
  • Install door sweeps and repair damaged screens in windows.
  • Screen vents to chimneys. Keep attics, basements, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.

How Does Batzner Prevent Winter Pest Problems?

Winter pest control service in Wisconsin by Batzner Pest Control

Our fall and winter pest control services are targeted at your home’s interior. One of the first things that our team looks for is anything that has changed since their last visit. It’s extremely common for Batzner specialists to find new openings that didn’t exist at their most recent visit. They’ll also check out any rodent protection equipment that they’ve put in place.

Batzner’s residential services are tailored to the homeowner’s individual needs, and in winter, our trained service experts focus primarily on the interior of the house, searching for any openings where pests could enter. Our winter pest control specialists. will notify the homeowner if any such openings are located, and seal those openings to ensure pests remain outside. In the meantime, spider webs will also be knocked down and cleaned out in the home’s interior. Your pest control expert will also target your home’s basement for a preventative pesticide treatment for crawling insects.

Annual Winter Pest Control Services

Don’t mistake winter as a time to lay off on the pest control services—it allows you preparation time for the warm seasons ahead! Batzner is your trusted pest control expert. Contact the residential pest control pros at Batzner today to learn how we can prevent pests this winter and all year long.

Is the Pandemic Causing More Rodent Infestations?

Rodents infest Wisconsin homes during the pandemic - Batzner Pest Control

Here in Wisconsin, we are accustomed to rodent infestations in the fall. However, they are surging in number this year due to the pandemic. When restaurants and bars were put on restrictions, rodents were suddenly deprived of one of their top sources of food. This forced them to look elsewhere and to compete for the little resources available. Unfortunately, this has led to a direct increase in infestations. Rodents aren’t just a nuisance—they can be very dangerous if they infest your property. For this reason alone, it’s crucial to learn how to prevent them. This Rodent Awareness Week, the team at Batzner Pest Control is focusing on providing our customers with rodent infestation prevention tips.

Here’s How to Prevent Rodents in 2020

The best form of rodent control is prevention! Try out the following tips to make your property less attractive to rats and mice this season:

  • Store food properly. Securely store food in tight-fitting containers with lids.
  • Seal holes around pipes. Use caulk or wire wool to cover up gaps and openings near pipes and other openings.
  • Cover vents. Install mesh screens on your vents. Also, consider installing screens on doors and windows.
  • Use tight lids on trash cans. Rodents love to rummage in the garbage! If possible, keep your trash cans sealed and stored.
  • Protect eaves. Fix any damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps in your eaves.

Are Rodents Tied to COVID-19?

The shelter in place shutdowns caused an uptick in residential rodent sightings as rats and mice became bolder in their hunt for resources. This has since caused an uptick in infestations and rodent-spread issues. While their presence may be more prevalent than ever, you thankfully do not need to worry about rodents transmitting COVID-19 to you or your family.

That said, rodents still can spread other diseases including hantavirus, salmonellosis, and many more. They also can cause significant damage to your home. With rodents more aggressive in the current moment, they will not hesitate to make themselves at home in your home this winter.

Rodent Awareness Week 2020

With the pandemic, rodent problems have exacerbated. This makes it more important than ever to ensure your home and family are protected against rodents. The team at Batzner is ready to help. Our rodent exterminators will work with you to ensure your property is safe from rodents all year long.

Protect Your Home From Fall Rodents

Fall rodents can get inside through properties in Wisconsin - Batzner Pest Control

Rodents are one of the most dreaded pest problems. They are especially troublesome in the fall when the weather changes. Before wintertime, rodents come inside to escape cooling temperatures and to seek out shelter and food. Rodents are dangerous not only because they are destructive, but because they can spread germs and disease as well. At Batzner Pest Control, we know how important it is to keep your family safe from rodents. We also know you want to feel comfortable in your home and enjoy the fall season without worrying about rats or mice! Keep reading to learn how to protect your home from rodents this fall and all year long.

How do Rats and Mice Get Inside?

Rodents aren’t exactly subtle, and it can be easy to tell when you have a rat or mouse problem in your property. But where do rodents take shelter? Rats and mice will take shelter in the attic, basement, and garage. They also will infest kitchens, laundry rooms, and are highly likely to invade your trash cans if given the chance. Mice can scale walls, squeeze through tiny openings, jump, and build nests in just about any room you can imagine. A rat or mouse problem often begins when the rodents get in through your chimney, pipes, air vents, and more. This is why it’s so important to protect your property from rats and mice.

Tips to Prevent Rodents in Your Home

To avoid the frustration of rats and mice in your home, it’s important to learn how to keep them out in the first place. Our top tips for keeping rodents out are as follows:

  1. Cover vents. Install mesh screens on your vents. Also, consider installing screens on doors and windows.
  2. Use tight lids on trash cans. Rodents love to rummage in the garbage! If possible, keep your trash cans sealed and stored.
  3. Protect eaves. Fix any damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps in your eaves.
  4. Store food properly. Securely store food in tight-fitting containers with lids.
  5. Seal holes around pipes. Use caulk or wire wool to cover up gaps and openings near pipes and other openings.

Fall Rodents in Wisconsin

The last thing you want to deal with in the fall season is a rat or mouse problem in your property. Rodents can be a pain to deal with: not only do they spread germs and bacteria, but they also will chew wires in your home and make a mess while nesting. As soon as you suspect the signs of rodents inside, call the team at Batzner. Our rodent exterminators can help control current infestations and prevent future ones from happening.

Are Rodents Able to Spread Coronavirus?

Rats do not spread COVID-19 - Batzner Pest Control in Wisconsin

Rodents are infamous for their ability to directly or indirectly transmit some of the world’s most dangerous diseases. SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, is not one of them. The team at Batzner knows that new information is being released daily about this pandemic. As always, we remain committed to ensuring our customers are aware of any pest-related dangers. We have seen a lot of questions surrounding the role of rats and other animals with transmission.

While rats and mice have been linked to other coronaviruses and other dangerous diseases, there is no evidence to currently suggest they are transmitting or spreading COVID-19.

Rodents & Coronaviruses

Including the virus causing the current pandemic (SARS-CoV-2), the three most recently discovered human coronaviruses have all proven to pose a serious threat to human life and health. These three viruses have all been genetically traced to a bat origin that crossed over first to other animals before eventually to human beings.

Rodents are capable of carrying several coronaviruses, but they have yet to be linked to any direct transmissions of COVID-19. According to a study, the rodents found to carry coronaviruses were kept in poor conditions on farms, markets, and restaurants in Vietnam alongside other animals. These unique circumstances make the risk of rats transmitting coronavirus to humans extremely unlikely.

Other Dangers of Rodents in a Pandemic

Although we know that rats aren’t directly transmitting SARS-CoV-2 at the moment, there are still a couple things to be aware of. The two other reasons why it’s important to prevent and control rodent problems during the pandemic and all year long are:

  1. Rats and mice can spread other diseases, including hantavirus, salmonellosis, and plague. They also can indirectly transmit diseases from ticks, mosquitoes, lice, and fleas. Some of these include Colorado tick fever, Lyme disease, and others.
  2. Due to the nature of the lockdowns and restaurant closures, there have been a number of reported cases of rats and mice becoming more bold and rampant in the absence of food sources. This activity in itself increases the risk of infestations and rodent-related problems.

Year-Round Rodent Prevention

In the midst of a pandemic or not, rodent prevention is crucial to protecting your family not only from the potential disease they spread, but also the damage they can cause. In recent months, rats and mice alike have been forced to drastic measures to seek out new food sources. While it’s good to know that rodents won’t transmit COVID-19 to your family, they still pose several other dangerous health risks. Whether you need help preventing or controlling rats, the rodent control team at Batzner is committed to keeping rats and mice away from you and your home.

The Dangers of Rodent Infestations

One of the many dangers of rodents is when rats chew through electrical wires. The rodent exterminators at Batzner Pest Control can protect you from rodents in New Berlin WI!

Everyone knows that a rodent infestation can be gross, but they can be dangerous, too! As a nuisance pest, rodents will rummage through your food and chew on wires, but they can pose a bigger threat. Rats and mice are infamous for causing a lot of damage, and their droppings are infamous for transmitting a number of dangerous diseases. It’s important to stay informed about the dangers of rodents. Keep reading for expert info from the rodent exterminators at Batzner Pest Control.

Disease from Rats & Mice Droppings

Around the world, there are a number of serious illnesses and health risks associated with the presence of rodents. These can be spread directly to humans through contact with droppings, saliva, and bites. Mice diseases can also be transmitted indirectly through ticks, fleas, and mites. The most dangerous illnesses tied back to mice include:

  1. Hantavirus
    1. Most often found in the urine and feces of deer mice, hantavirus can cause symptoms from fever and chills to aches in pains. In serious cases or when it is not treated, it can lead to shortness of breath and kidney failure.
  2. Salmonella
    1. When rats and mice walk over surfaces, they are tracking dirt and bacteria across other food surfaces. Salmonella, commonly referred to as food poisoning, can cause severe stomach cramps, vomiting, and worse.
  3. Rat-bite fever
    1. Also known as Streptobacillus, rat-bite fever is caused by a bite or scratch from an infected rat. It is also caught by handling infected animals and ingesting food or drink contaminated with the rat’s faeces or urine.

Types of Rodent Damage

In addition to rummaging through your pantry and eating food in your garbage, rats and mice can cause serious damage inside your homes. Rats have a set of incisors that continue to grow, encouraging them to chew on things constantly. Electrical wires are one of the main targets, which can be especially dangerous if chewed-through wires cause short circuiting and fires. Rats have also been known to cut through extremely tough materials like steel, concrete, and wood, which can cause severe structural damage to your home.

When to Use a Rodent Exterminator

If you’ve spotted a rat or mouse in your home, it’s time to call the rodent exterminators at Batzner Pest Control. Without the help of an exterminator, rodents can continue to wreak havoc in your home or business. Based on the many dangers of rodents, it’s extremely important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Reach out to our rats and mice exterminators today for more information on the dangers of rodent infestations as well as how to prevent them.

5 Prominent Pests in 2020

Prominent pests in New Berlin and Oshkosh WI in 2020 - Batzner Pest Control

When it comes to protecting your family and home against pests, hindsight doesn’t have to be 20/20 this year. Batzner Pest Control is helping homeowners prepare for the upcoming 2020 pest season by offering insights into anticipated pest activity.

The experts at Batzner Pest Control have used their field experiences and examined trends and company data to determine these five pest predictions. Along with the predictions, we are offering preventative tips for homeowners to help keep their homes pest-free in 2020.


Mice populations have increased over the past several years and this may be attributed to warmer than usual winters. With warmer weather predicted again this winter, mice reproduction may boom, which is bad news for homeowners. Mice are year-round pests that invade homes looking for two things: food and shelter.

Homeowner Tips: Mice can fit through a crack or hole one-fourth of an inch or larger – or about the width of a pencil. To prevent an infestation, seal small cracks and crevices with a silicone-based caulk. Exterior gaps of ¼-inch or larger can be repaired with copper mesh, hardware cloth or metal flashing.

Stinging Pests

Changing climates can cause rippling effects across the pest world, and with mild winters, experts are seeing more yellow jacket and hornet nests. Female yellow jackets and hornets are able to overwinter in freezing temperatures and will invade homes, structures, and manmade or natural voids. When temperatures rise in spring, stinging insects will surface from their hiding places, ready to start populations earlier in the year.

Homeowner Tips: Hornets and yellow jackets can overwinter, so they may be out and about at the first sign of warm weather. Be on the lookout for stinging pests, utilizing a professional pest control service as soon as you spot activity.


With outdoor activities, like hiking and camping on the rise, and years of warming winters, humans and their pets may come into contact with ticks more frequently in 2020. The deer tick or black-legged tick, the Lone Star tick, and the American dog tick are ticks of special concern. Nearly 50,000 cases of human tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease,  Ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever were reported in 2018. Pets are also at risk for some of these diseases.

Homeowner Tips: When spending time outdoors, wear an EPA-approved insect repellent. It’s also a good idea to wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks, in areas where ticks may be active. Perform tick checks on yourself and any family members, including pets, after spending time outdoors.


Mosquitoes thrive in warm weather, and their populations increased in 2019. If we have another relatively warm, wet winter and spring, we could experience another boom inactivity by late spring and early summer. Areas of the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest are predicted to have above-average rainfall, while most of the U.S. is predicted to be warmer than average this winter.

Homeowner Tips: The risk of mosquito-borne diseases, such as the Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) can increase with rising populations. To protect yourself and your family, dispose of standing water from your property and always wear an EPA-approved insect repellent when spending time outdoors.


Termites are the most destructive pests in North America, causing $6 billion in property damage each year. According to experts, the two main weather factors that affect termite populations are temperature and rainfall. With warmer and wetter weather predicted for spring, the termite swarming season will be ramping up soon.

Homeowner Tips: To deter subterranean termites, eliminate earth to wood contact and avoid moisture accumulation near your home or structures’ foundation. Because termites can cause such extensive damage, raising homeowner awareness around the need for proactive protection for their homes is critical to prevent costly repairs.

The experts at Batzner Pest Control agree that a proactive approach is the first step any homeowner can take to prevent pest issues. Take time to evaluate your current pest control plan and ensure that you have the coverage and protection you need to protect yourself and your family from pests in 2020.

How to Set a Mousetrap Properly

Mousetrap in New Berlin WI home - Batzner Pest Control provides expert tips on how to set a mousetrap properly

Mice infestations can be downright frustrating. These rodents leave a mess everywhere they go with their gnawing and nesting habits—not to mention the foul odors and droppings! Seeing even one mouse is often a bad sign there are more nearby, especially with their rapid rate of reproduction. Mousetraps are a good way to effectively catch mice in your property, but not everyone knows how to set a mousetrap properly. Keep reading for expert tips from Batzner!

Which Type of Mousetrap is Best?

When it comes to picking the best mousetrap, it can be overwhelming. There are several types, including electronic, catch-and-release, and glue traps. All of these traps have their pros and cons. For the most part, the most common and popular type of mousetrap is the spring-loaded mousetrap.

This classic design has been used for centuries to catch mice, and is easier to set up than you may think! Spring-loaded mousetraps are placed in areas of suspected rodent activity with bait. As soon as the spring mechanism is triggered, the metal bar will snap and effectively catch the mouse.

Top Tips for Mousetraps That Work

There are several ways you can learn how to set a mousetrap properly:

  1. Use mousetrap bait effectively
    1. Contrary to modern belief, some mice like cheese, and some don’t.
    2. You only need to use a small amount of bait that cannot be reached unless mice step on the trap. If they can swipe it without standing on the trap, they will!
  2. Start with unloaded mousetraps
    1. Although it seems odd, it’s smart to start with baited, unloaded traps.
    2. Mice are extremely skeptical of new things, especially human things!
    3. Set traps out with bait (without loading them) for a couple of nights. This will trick mice into a false sense of security.
  3. Set more than one trap
    1. By setting multiple traps two to three feet apart each, you have a better chance at catching as many mice as possible at once.
  4. Set mousetraps strategically
    1. Mice travel along walls, under furniture, and other places that offer cover.
    2. Place mousetraps along walls and behind furniture, with the bait placed nearest to the wall.
  5. Check the mousetraps on a regular basis
    1. Rodent problems won’t go away overnight. It takes diligence to make sure traps are working, set, and not going to waste.
    2. Mice can, in some instances, grab bait without setting off the trap. They can also set the trap off without getting caught!

Need Help With Mice Extermination?

Even when you learn how to set a mousetrap properly, sometimes mousetraps simply won’t work to control a serious rodent infestation. If this is the case, professional mice exterminators may be your best bet. We have more than 70 years of experience getting rid of mice in homes and businesses throughout the state of Wisconsin. We will thoroughly inspect your property for sources of the infestation and customize a rodent control plan fit to your unique needs. To learn more, give us a call today!